Special meeting of Belfast City Council - Freedom of the City and Borough of Belfast - Thursday 25 August 2022, 4:00pm - Speakers Tab - Belfast City Council Webcast

Special meeting of Belfast City Council - Freedom of the City and Borough of Belfast
Thursday, 25th August 2022 at 4:00pm 









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  1. Mr John Walsh
  2. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  3. Cllr Séamas de Faoite
  4. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  5. Mr John Walsh
  6. Cllr Arder Carson
  7. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  8. Cllr Nicola Verner
  9. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  10. Cllr Mal O'Hara
  11. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  12. Cllr Donal Lyons
  13. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  14. Alderman Jim Rodgers
  15. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  16. Jenna Maghie
  17. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  18. Cllr Fiona Ferguson
  19. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Christina Black
  20. Webcast Finished
Social Democratic and Labour Party